Saturday, June 16, 2012

My Hero

I really don't know how to start.
I could get really emotional when it comes to this man.

He, of course, is the first man I have ever loved.
BOYS have come and go, but this MAN stayed.
So, I ought to LOVE him til my last breath.

I had let go of his hold, and ran away,
but was the first one to pick me up when I stumbled and fell,

I turned my back on him, and flew away,
but was the first one to catch me when I got bruised.

He isn't a doctor, but always helped me heal my wounds.
He isn't a lawyer, but always the first one to defend me when I have issues.
He isn't a teacher, but taught me a lot of things.
He isn't a tour guide, but have always guided me.
He doesn't have superpowers, but have always saved me.
He's not just my father, he's also my hero.

Some may see him as hard as rock,
but in our eyes, his children's eyes,
he's even softer than cotton itself.

We have witnessed him broke down for the love of us, his children.

Some may look down on him,
but we will always look up to him.

He is my father.
And I would never have him switched for anybody else.

His love for us is truly immeasurable.

***I Love You, Daddy.
I may have disappointed you gazillion times before, and may disappoint you gazillion times more tomorrow, but I will always, always love you. We fail because failure's inevitable, but not because we want to hurt you. I may not say this as often as I should, but I will always love you, Daddy, and I will forever be thankful that God has given you to us as our father, despite everything. God is indeed wise. He knows what we really need, and when we really need it. He gave us you as our father. And because of that, there's nothing much to  worry about.